Friday, July 20, 2012

Skywatch Friday

I made both photos yesterday, with my phone, as it was too hot again to drag my camera around. 
I think they are a good fit for {Skywatch Friday}

Birds on a wire at Amsterdam Avenue
Empire State Building, seen from Broadway
Judging from the clouds I was sure it was going to rain,
but that didn't happen until after midnight...


  1. awesome captures!!
    Please see mine at:

    -your latest follower

  2. Great B&W's. I was going to suggest you to clean the lens on your phone camera for dust spots really show in the black and white format. Then I realized it was my computer screen that needs the cleaning. Oops.

  3. I love these photos. It's been years since I've been to NYC.

  4. You live in a beautiful part of the world. i an envious.
    excellent photos
    July Giveaway @ ValleysShutterBug

  5. love the birds on a wire shot, especially in b and w.

  6. cute
    is the weather better now? here its around 22C and almost a bit chilly... :)

  7. Excellent captures, especially with the birds. I think B&W was a great choice for these scenes. Well done!

  8. I just love the ESB one and not just because of the obvious, there's so much more going on in that photo!

  9. Beautifully atmospheric photos. I'm hopping aboard via skywatch.


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