Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Sizzling hot

It is sizzling hot here in New York. I can't stand it. This morning I went to the gym, did some grocery shopping and now I am back inside and I will stay there for the rest of the day. I have a lot of work to do, so I will enjoy myself.

This weekend I came across this fire hydrant. I always wanted to photograph a fire hydrant with the water coming out. Unfortunately there were no kids playing there yet, that would even be more fun for the photo. Ah well....
I don't know how this works in other cities in the US or in other countries. But here in NYC you can go to any firehouse in the summer and ask for a spray cap. You can install this spray cap on any fire hydrant and have a water party in the street. This way water pressure will stay at the right level and not too much water will be wasted. (and according to this website the spray caps also prevents children from being propelled into traffic by the force of the water... I wonder if that ever really happened?)


  1. I don't like to see water being wasted but in cities where extreme heat is a threat this seems like a good compromise.

  2. That is a great photo with or without kids.

  3. Dat is een goed idee zeg, lekker als je een beetje verfrissing zoekt en voor kinderen ideaal.

  4. What a great way to cool down, love this idea, & it would have been a fun photo with kids in it.

  5. Love the pic Nellies, and that information was incredible. Is there no end to the bits and bobs NYC has to offer?! :)

  6. Wat een goed idee om wat verfrissing te krijgen!

  7. i have seen that before; in new york only, it seems.
    sooo cool! and i like the pic, even though its without kids....

  8. Sounds like real fun! Would be so useful here in the stifling Mumbai heat.
    Wish you a wonderful week :)
    My Yatra Diary...

  9. Great photo, and what a great way to stay cool! I think this might be a NY thing... never seen kids playing in fire hydrants anywhere else.


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