Thursday, February 16, 2012

Help me! at the corner of Broadway & Liberty Street in NYC.

Having your picture taken in this pose, I think, is so not original. But while I was walking outside yesterday I saw this guy posing for his friends. It made me laugh, suprised to see people still do this, haha. In a split second I decided to take this photo,  I like it. You can read more about The 'Red Cube' from Isamu Noguchi here.


  1. Ja deze is leuk, zo wil iedereen toch wel eens op de foto. hihi Zou je je woordverificatie uit willen zetten? Het is niet nodig en ik moet iedere keer twee woorden tikken die bijna niet te lezen zijn. En de eerste keer lukt het bijna nooit. Kost zoveel tijd. Bedankt.

    1. Ik heb een poging gedaan om de woordverificatie uit te zetten Riet, maar geen idee hoe ik dat voor elkaar moet krijgen.....Als iemand suggesties heeft dan hoor ik het graag :-).

  2. Fun photo, I'm sure people don't get tired of doing these little tricks!

  3. I think the red cube is gorgeous Nellies, but the typical pose reminded me of how much fun my kids had when they were visiting NYC over Christmas and struck every typical pose in every typical touristy spot imaginable. Brilliant shot none-the-less Nellies. Made me smile.......

  4. I like the cube, I think everybody will do this all the time. I have seen it with rocks, it is an human behaviour.

  5. haha, i also dont understand why people always do this. but i too like to photograph it when they are posing... because like this you see even better how "gemaakt" this is.. :D i never saw this cube!
    and i see you also have moving trucks from WB mason. they look funny, but i still didnt get to take a pic of them..

  6. The truck on the right matches pretty well..good shot!

  7. Of course, without seeing the "friends" in your shot there IS a small suspicion that it was YOu doing it all along!!:-)


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